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Hair transplant is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures worldwide in men. Male pattern baldness occurs mainly due to genetic reasons besides other local factors that contribute to it. Hair loss is a regular cycle, with about 80-100 hairs falls in daily life. When hair loss exceeds beyond it, then it leads to Baldness. There are many treatments available for hair loss, but only a few help prevent hair loss. Hair transplant is the only effective treatment to treat Baldness with long-lasting, satisfactory results and minimal complications. After the hair transplant, hairs grow naturally and will not lose in the future. PRP therapy is usually combined with a hair transplant to give the maximum and early result.
There are many methods for hair transplants that depend not only on surgeon choice but also consider patient expectations.
FUT Method – this method is done by harvesting a strip of the scalp from the scalp's back and side. Individual hairs follicle further extracts from this strip under microscope magnification to avoid damage to follicles. These extract hair follicles are then implanted over the baldness area with the help of fine forceps. Strips donor site usually close primarily with advanced Trichophytic closure to avoid visible scar over the scalp.
FUT method provides the best result with minimal damage to hair follicles because hair follicles extract under direct supervision and magnification. If there is severe grade male pattern baldness and planning to do a second sitting of hair transplant in the future then FUT is the choice procedure.
Anesthesia - Local with sedation
Duration of surgery – 6-8 hours
Discharge from the hospital – Same day
Stitches – On the 7th day
Scar – No or well hidden
Return to work – 3-5 day
Complication – Minimal with bruising, swelling, numbness
Result – Lifelong
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