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Ageing is a process that can not defy, but we can overcome it with specific measures. With age, wrinkles appear over the face, which gives you an older appearance.
Multiple factors contribute to wrinkles, and facial lines include ageing, gravity, pollution, diets, etc. there are two types of wrinkles:
– Dynamic wrinkles (due to the action of underlying muscles)
- Static wrinkles (due to loss of facial volume.)
BOTOX is useful to correct dynamic wrinkles over the face. It mainly works over the upper face to treat facial frown lines, forehead crease, crow's feet, correcting thick jawlines, gummy smiles, drooping angle of mouth etc.
BOTOX is the most commonly performed non-invasive cosmetic procedure performed worldwide. It acts by blocking the action of underlying muscles to alleviate fine wrinkles and provide a youthful and fresh look.
Anesthesia - Topical
Duration of procedure – 10 to 15 minute
Discharge from Clinic - same day
Return to work – same day
Aftercare – not to rub face or exercise for 24 hour
Maintenance – upto six month
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