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Also known as Tummy tuck is a surgical procedure to remove an excess of skin and fat along with tightening weaker abdominal muscle to provide a firmer and slimmer abdomen. A well tone and slimmer abdomen in proportion to the body is a desire not only in females but also in males today. After a restricted diet and exercise program sometimes you can not achieve the desire shape and tone of the abdomen but with abdominoplasty, you can achieve the desired results. Multiple factors lead to sagging and lose abdomen which includes weight fluctuation, pregnancy, ageing, and gravity besides other factors. if you are planning to future weight change and pregnancy then it better to postponed surgery till the completion of your goal. Various types of surgical procedures are designed according to patient profile and amount of sagging. Mini abdominoplasty removes excess skin below the navel. If there is excessive skin sagging and weak muscle tone then full abdominoplasty is a choice. Liposuction can also be combined with abdominoplasty to achieve better results. The scar is very well hidden in bath suit and undergarments.
Anesthesia - General
Incision – Half-moon shape bikini line incision
Duration of surgery – 2 to 4 hours
Discharge from the hospital – next day
Stitches – 7th post-operative day
Scar – well hidden in bath suit and undergarment
Return to work – after the 10th-day
Aftercare – Compression garments for 6 week
Complication – swelling, hematoma, bruising, tenderness, seroma, delayed wound healing & scarring.
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