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Also known as Lipotransfer is the latest, advanced technique for breast augmentation. If you want to remove unwanted fat from other parts of the body and simultaneously want breast augmentation, you are ideal for breast fat grafting. Breast fat grafting provides the most natural and complete result for breast augmentation. In the modern world, breast fat transfer alleviates the need for silicon implants for breast augmentation in most cases. Sometimes it is done with silicon implant to provide the best result. The most common areas for liposuction include the abdomen, buttock and thigh region. After removing Fat, fat cells transfer to the breast for augmentation in micro fat grafting. Procedure are associated with low complication rate and provide the most natural, long-lasting, and improved overall body appearance besides breast.
Callisto evaluates your overall 3D body anatomy, amount of body fat, BMI, skin quality to suggest the best possible treatment modalities for you for the best possible outcome.
Anesthesia - Local with seation or general
Incision – In natural skin crease
Duration of surgery – 2 to 3 hours
Discharge from the hospital – same day or next day
Stitches – 7 th post-operative day
Scar – well hidden in natural skin crease
Return to work – after 7 th day
Aftercare – avoid pressure over operate area.
Complication – very minimal
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