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Also known as breast enlargement or boobs job is a surgical procedure to restore breast volume along with appearance and symmetry. The most common cause of loss of breast volume includes after weight loss, post-pregnancy, ageing, and gravity. Breast enlargement is one of the most commonly performed procedures worldwide. Breast enlargement is usually done by with help of a silicon implant but can also be done with own body fat transfer. Depend on body proportion, breast enlargement can also combine with additional procedures such as breast lift or fat transfer.
Choice of breast implant depends on the texture, shape, and profile of the implant. An implant placed under the breast tissue or under muscle depend on patient body proportion and other factors. Incisions are very small and well-hidden around the nipple or below the breast depending on the type of procedure chosen. Breast enlargement with fat transfer usually requires two-stage to achieve optimal result.
Anaesthesia – General or local with sedation
Incision – inframamammary or periareolar
Duration of surgery – 2-3 hours
Discharge from the hospital – same day
Stitches – on the 5th day
Scar – well hidden
Return to work – 5-6 days
Aftercare – sports bra for 4 week
Complication – minimal such as swelling, hematoma, implant rupture, capsular contracture
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